Session 11: TensorFlow Workshop
Presented by Jeff Heaton
This material is posted in conjunction with the talk that I am giving at the 2018 Society of Actuaries (SOA) Predictive Analytics Symposium. You can see the presentation slides here. This workshop will be hands on. If you’ve brought your laptop I will show you how to create a couple of simple models using deep learning with Google TensorFlow. It is not necessary that you either bring a laptop or follow along with the individual examples. However, if you would like to try some of the examples out, you should install Anaconda Python 3.6:
- Install 64 bit and choose Windows, Mac or Linux.
Once anaconda is installed, you can install the remaining software from a command line. If you did not have Anaconda add Python to your path (the default option) make sure you launch Anaconda from its Windows Start item. Perform the following installations:
- conda install jupyter
- pip install sklearn
- pip install pandas
- pip install pandas-datareader
- pip install matplotlib
- pip install pillow
- pip install requests
- pip install h5py
- pip install tensorflow
- pip install keras
Once these are installed you should download a copy of the examples for this presentation:
From whatever directory you installed the above (tf-intro) source code, launch Jupyter notebook from with the following command:
• jupyter notebook