1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
| Window, hwnd:native@0x1014a, total 1 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x1021c, total 2 Title: Battery Meter Window, hwnd:native@0x10280, total 3 Title: Network Flyout Window, hwnd:native@0x10500, total 4 Title: HardwareMonitorWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x4037a, total 5 Title: HardwareMonitorWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x605cc, total 6 Title: Command Prompt - java -jar jna-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar Window, hwnd:native@0x50262, total 7 Title: jeffheaton/jna-example: A simple JNA example with Maven build script - Google Chrome Window, hwnd:native@0x60714, total 8 Title: projects Window, hwnd:native@0xb0600, total 9 Title: C:\Users\jheaton\projects\jna-example\src\test\java\org\jeffheaton\jna-example\AppTest.java - Notepad++ Window, hwnd:native@0x305f2, total 10 Title: rgare Window, hwnd:native@0x107ce, total 11 Title: Progress Window, hwnd:native@0x107c8, total 12 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x3066c, total 13 Title: OutlookFbThreadWnd Window, hwnd:native@0x50540, total 14 Title: Number of unread items in this folder Window, hwnd:native@0x1042a, total 15 Title: Inbox - JHeaton@rgare.com - Outlook Window, hwnd:native@0x20576, total 16 Title: Word Window, hwnd:native@0x50534, total 17 Title: WMS ST Notif Window 0000247C 00002A7C Window, hwnd:native@0x204e0, total 18 Title: Outlook Send/Receive Progress Window, hwnd:native@0x204f6, total 19 Title: DDE Server Window Window, hwnd:native@0x700d8, total 20 Title: WISPTIS Window, hwnd:native@0x80510, total 21 Title: WMS ST Notif Window 00002120 000020BC Window, hwnd:native@0x4026a, total 22 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x40048, total 23 Title: OfficePowerManagerWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x104ee, total 24 Title: V Window, hwnd:native@0x20468, total 25 Title: T Window, hwnd:native@0x104ec, total 26 Title: Microsoft Outlook Social Connector Window, hwnd:native@0x3031a, total 27 Title: AdxTaskPane Window, hwnd:native@0x104da, total 28 Title: FolderViewServiceForm Window, hwnd:native@0x104d8, total 29 Title: AdxTaskPane Window, hwnd:native@0x104d4, total 30 Title: ReadingPaneServiceForm Window, hwnd:native@0x30224, total 31 Title: Cisco ViewMail for Outlook Add-In_{62e65727-15dd-444f-b1a9-ea58b91c6184} Window, hwnd:native@0x30236, total 32 Title: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Window, hwnd:native@0x10492, total 33 Title: crash service Window, hwnd:native@0x2048a, total 34 Title: Phish Alert_{5cb25b73-0cb5-4b46-8d77-f504402449b5} Window, hwnd:native@0x1048c, total 35 Title: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Window, hwnd:native@0x203b4, total 36 Title: GpgOLResponder Window, hwnd:native@0x1049a, total 37 Title: Slack - RGA Enterprise Services Company Window, hwnd:native@0x20436, total 38 Title: WMS ST Notif Window 0000247C 00002480 Window, hwnd:native@0x10426, total 39 Title: W Window, hwnd:native@0x203ca, total 40 Title: OfficePowerManagerWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x6027c, total 41 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x203fe, total 42 Title: Microsoft Outlook Window, hwnd:native@0x203da, total 43 Title: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Window, hwnd:native@0x103d6, total 44 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x103aa, total 45 Title: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Window, hwnd:native@0x103a8, total 46 Title: MediaContextNotificationWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x103a4, total 47 Title: SystemResourceNotifyWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x102fc, total 48 Title: Skype for Business Window, hwnd:native@0x1039e, total 49 Title: PPP Client Console Window, hwnd:native@0x60370, total 50 Title: Printer Installer Client Interface Window, hwnd:native@0x60320, total 51 Title: Rtc Video PnP Listener Window, hwnd:native@0x70322, total 52 Title: CUccMediaDeviceManager Window, hwnd:native@0x10304, total 53 Title: W Window, hwnd:native@0x202f8, total 54 Title: OfficePowerManagerWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x3023e, total 55 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x30250, total 56 Title: LogCheckerHiddenRootWindow_ETL Window, hwnd:native@0x30258, total 57 Title: LogCheckerLogRolloverHandlerHiddenWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x102ea, total 58 Title: C:\Program Files\Box\Box Sync\BoxSyncMonitor.exe Window, hwnd:native@0x301be, total 59 Title: Box Sync Window, hwnd:native@0x702ae, total 60 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x602c2, total 61 Title: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Window, hwnd:native@0x102b0, total 62 Title: Realtek HD Audio Background Process for Vista Window, hwnd:native@0x102aa, total 63 Title: G Window, hwnd:native@0x402a6, total 64 Title: Realtek HD Audio New CPL background window Window, hwnd:native@0x1029e, total 65 Title: CVenderSpecSetting Window, hwnd:native@0x201f0, total 66 Title: ViennaSettingUI Window, hwnd:native@0x10294, total 67 Title: Realtek HD Audio New GUI Window, hwnd:native@0x10292, total 68 Title: Animate Manager Window, hwnd:native@0x10290, total 69 Title: RTK TRAYICON Window, hwnd:native@0x1028e, total 70 Title: AudioEngine For Realtek HD Audio New GUI Window, hwnd:native@0x30260, total 71 Title: RTK AUDIO DRIVER EVENT MGR Window, hwnd:native@0x5025a, total 72 Title: MS_WebcheckMonitor Window, hwnd:native@0x10212, total 73 Title: DDE Server Window Window, hwnd:native@0x101c8, total 74 Title: HotKey Listener Window, hwnd:native@0x10170, total 75 Title: DDE Server Window Window, hwnd:native@0x10122, total 76 Title: EXPLORER Window, hwnd:native@0x20032, total 77 Title: .NET-BroadcastEventWindow. Window, hwnd:native@0x5006c, total 78 Title: BluetoothNotificationAreaIconWindowClass Window, hwnd:native@0x1008c, total 79 Title: Windows Push Notifications Platform Window, hwnd:native@0x2001a, total 80 Title: Task Host Window Window, hwnd:native@0x10040, total 81 Title: DWM Notification Window Window, hwnd:native@0x101ba, total 82 Title: igfxtrayWindow Window, hwnd:native@0x104d2, total 83 Title: ADXOlReceiverWindowCaption Window, hwnd:native@0x10142, total 84 Title: Program Manager Window, hwnd:native@0x1014e, total 85 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x101ac, total 86 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10136, total 87 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x100c4, total 88 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10232, total 89 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x203c2, total 90 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x103dc, total 91 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x106ea, total 92 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x106cc, total 93 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x806fe, total 94 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x6053e, total 95 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x2072c, total 96 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x706fc, total 97 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10630, total 98 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x405c6, total 99 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x30206, total 100 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x205fa, total 101 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x407b8, total 102 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x107d0, total 103 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x107cc, total 104 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0xa06f8, total 105 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x606d6, total 106 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x80608, total 107 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x403f8, total 108 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x10164, total 109 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x30564, total 110 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1044a, total 111 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x2041a, total 112 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1053a, total 113 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x2053c, total 114 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x80062, total 115 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x104aa, total 116 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10494, total 117 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1047c, total 118 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x20130, total 119 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10480, total 120 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x303d8, total 121 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x103a6, total 122 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x2034c, total 123 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x202e6, total 124 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10388, total 125 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x102ec, total 126 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x102e0, total 127 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x50068, total 128 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0xc02c4, total 129 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x102b2, total 130 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x102ac, total 131 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x30256, total 132 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1024a, total 133 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10216, total 134 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x101de, total 135 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x101ca, total 136 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1013e, total 137 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10124, total 138 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x200e4, total 139 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x10096, total 140 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x20092, total 141 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1008e, total 142 Title: Default IME Window, hwnd:native@0x1015c, total 143 Title: MSCTFIME UI Window, hwnd:native@0x100aa, total 144 Title: Default IME